If you would like to add additional student(s) to a group after allocating and generating the container, please follow our guide below:
- Click the Reception tab
- Click the Groups tab
- Use the filters to find the correct group
- If you are searching for a group that you are not a member of staff, you must unclick the My Groups toggle box
- Click on the group for which you wish to add students
- Click Students
- You can either add one student or multiple students at once. Click either Add Multiple or Add
- If you click Add Multiple, you will be able to search for students either by Name, Grade, Group or Gender.
- To add the pupil, click the green symbol. When selected, they will appear under the Selected column.
- You can also remove student(s) by clicking the red trash icon next to the student.
- When you are happy with your selections, click Save
- The student(s) will be added to the group and if applicable, any future events for that group will appear in the diary of the student and the parents of the student.
Add one Student
- If you click Add, you can search for a specific student
- Click on the student's name
- Click the Add button
- The student will be added to the group and if applicable, any future events for that group will appear in the diary of the student and the parents of the student.