This article explains how to set up a flat fee event in SchoolsBuddy, i.e. where the cost does not alter if they attend one session or all sessions.
Step 1:
- Click on the "Activities, Clubs & Bookings Admin" tab (this may be labeled differently due to your School's preferences)
2. Click the container type, in this scenario "Wraparound Care"
(If your school does not have this option, the "Instant Book & Pay" tab will have the same functionality. If you would like this "Wraparound Care" option, please contact and we will be able to set this up for you)
3. Click "Add" to set up a container
Step 2:
Fill in the details for Breakfast Club
- Sign Up Title: e.g. Breakfast Clubs - We would recommend setting breakfast clubs termly.
- Description: Any information that is relevant to all Breakfast Sessions
- Allow Booking Cancellation: Check this box if you would like to allow parents to cancel their own bookings. You can set how long before the event parents can cancel and whether the payments are automatically adjusted.
- Block Cashes: If switched on, a message on screen will advise that there is a clash, however the booking can still be completed.
- Maximum Bookable events per group: Leave this as 0 as the groups will be organised by year or by a custom group and there may be multiple sessions per term/year.
- Activities start/end dates: Set the dates for when you want the activities to occur, in this case for the whole school year. You can re-use the container to add clubs as the year progresses.
- Activities start/end times: Set a general time. The times are not important in this case as they can be set for each individual event later.
- Responsibility for confirmation: Leave 'Parents only' highlighted green if you aim for parents to make bookings, or switch to 'Students or Parents' or 'Students Only' according to your School’s preferences.
Sign up opens: Date when sign up opens (when parents can start booking)
Sign up closes: Date when sign up closes (e.g. if you are creating the container for the term/year, when is the last day that parents should be able to sign up for the wraparound care sessions) - Show select all button: This enables the parent/student to select all activities in one go when booking.
- Use organisation block dates?: This defaults to on and will use your block dates that have been set at an organisational level. Don't use these if you want to run clubs during half term for example.
- Accept Voucher Payments: Only select this if childcare vouchers will be accepted for Breakfast Club Sessions. If you select this option, you will have the choice to be able to limit which group can pay by childcare vouchers (please see this article about Restricting the use of Childcare Vouchers.)
- Terms & Conditions: You can enter any terms & conditions that apply to all trips. Trip-specific T's & C's will be entered at a later stage.
- T's & C's additional info (URL): If you have your school T's and C's in a PDF file, for example, you can add a link to it here.
- Booking Data Form: We can create a form for you to collect any other information you require of the student at the time of booking.
When the correct details have been entered click the green 'Save' button (lower right corner of the screen).
Step 3:
From the Groups tab on the side panel bar, click the '+ Add' button in the top right corner to create a group.
Fill in the correct details regarding the Breakfast Club.
- Title: Title of the Group (Parents/Pupils will see this)
- Description: Description of the Group (Parents/Pupils will see this)
Available to: When selected, a pop-up box will appear on the screen. This will determine who can sign up for the Breakfast Club. Use the drop-down box and search bar to search for the Year/Group/Class that will be able to sign up. When the correct Year/Group/Class has been found, select the ‘Add’ and then the green ‘Continue’ tab.
- Lead Staff Member: Which Staff Member will be the Organiser of the group
- Activity: This will not be visible to the booker so can be set as 'Other'
- Default Location: Location of the Wraparound care
- Group Code: This can be used for finance reconciliation
- Billing Code: This can be used for finance reconciliation
When the correct details have been entered, click the green 'Save' button (lower right corner of the screen).
Step 4:
Now the group has been created it will appear in the container's Groups tab.
Events must now be created for the group. To do this, click the 'Create Events' tab, and the 'Add New' button at the top right corner of the page.
Fill in the following information fields as follows:-
- Title: Wraparound care
- Vital Information: any vital information surrounding the Wraparound Care
- Additional Information: any further information surrounding the Wraparound Care
- Booking Options: Use 'Individual'
- Number of places: maximum number of places for the Wraparound Care
- Create for groups: select the newly created group
- Location: this can either be the location specified when creating the group or a location can be selected in the drop-down bar.
- Event type: this will be Wraparound Care
- Cost Type: chargeable
- Price per session: this will be the price per session- To have a fixed fee add the total amount
- Percentage to pay at time of booking/Deposit (%): this is the percentage required to pay when booking. If less than 100%, the remainder will sit on the account balance to be paid in the future.
- Payment Method: select 'Default - Create fees (and allow online payments if applicable)'
Fill in the following information fields as follows:-
- Frequency: 'single day' - To obtain a flat fee it will be a single event
- Event date: The last date the wraparound club will run
- Start Time: start time of Wraparound club / End Time: end time of the wraparound club
- Sign up opens in advance: This is optional. Leave blank to use the date & time set at container level / Sign up closes in advance: This is optional. Leave blank to use the date & time set at container level
- When the correct details have been entered, click the 'Create Rule' button.
Step 5:
- When 'Create Rule' has been clicked, the event's overview will show in the 'Create Events' tab. Now go to the 'Publish Events' tab.
- A summary of the events ready to create will be listed. At this point, check all details are correct, and check the last column 'Event Count' is as expected.
- To publish the events, tick the 'I confirm' tick box and the green 'Publish' button.
- When the events have been published and the sign up has opened, parents/pupils will be able to book the events.
Step 6:
You will need to create the registers for each day through the organising tab
Please note: Any students you have already allocated/assigned to the group will automatically appear in the attendance registers for these activities.
IMPORTANT: When creating the events make sure 'Auto-Notify' communication preferences is selected.
- Select 'Organising'
- Select the 'Add Event' tab
- Select 'Wrap Around Care' if available or 'Practice' from the event list (this may be labeled differently due to your School's preferences)
- Fill in the following information as follows:
- Communication Preferences: Auto Notify
- Event: Wraparound care
- Who is invited: Select the 'Group'
- For Who: Select the new group which was created in the instant book module
- Title: Wraparound Care (this may be labeled differently due to your School's preferences)
When and Where- From: When the event starts (date & time)
- To: When the event ends (date & time) PLEASE NOTE: This must be a singular session. You will set how often it repeats shortly
- Venue: Home
- Where: either select the location from the drop-down bar or create a location.
- Repeats: this will be every week
- End date: the last date of the event
- Meeting at: fill in the location and meeting time
- Vital Information: fill in any vital information surrounding the event
- When the correct details have been entered, click the green 'Save' tab (lower right corner of the screen)
- Now the events have been created you must add pupils to the group
Step 7:
Adding Students to the Group (activity)
Students added to this group will be automatically added to all the future 'Auto-notify' event registers.
- Click the 'Reception' tab, and then click the 'Groups' tab
- Use the filters to find the new group. If you are searching for a group that you are not the organiser of, you must untick the 'My Groups' toggle box.
- When the correct group has been found, select it and on the right side of the screen, the group will appear.
- Click the 'People' tab. (This may be labeled differently in your school.). You can either add one pupil or multiple, click either the blue 'Add' or 'Add Multiple' tabs.
- To add the pupil, click the green '+' button. When selected, they will appear under the 'Selected' column. You can also remove the added pupils by clicking the red trash icon.
- When the correct pupils have been selected, click the green 'Save' tab.
- The pupils have now been added to the group (activity) and the events that were previously created.
PLEASE NOTE: Students are only added to future 'auto-notify' style events and not consent style events.