- Click main menu icon at the top left-hand corner of the page.
- Click the 'Activities & Clubs Admin' tab or the 'Activities & Clubs Admin' icon on the homepage (this may be labelled differently due to your School's preferences).
- Click the 'After School Clubs (Preference Based)' tab (Please note, this may be labelled differently depending on your school settings).
- Click the 'Manage' button on the container you wish to add activities to, located on the right hand side.
- Click on the Groups/Clubs tab in the Activities & Clubs panel.
- Click the 'Add' button, located on the right hand side.
Fill in the following details as follows, we recommend you include the multi-day reference in the group title (i.e. Baking Club Monday & Wednesday):
- Title: Title of the activity
- Description: Description of the activity
- Day: Select which day the activity will run on.
- Start time & End Time: This will be set to the time listed in the Container settings, however, it can be changed later, if required.
Staff Members: You can choose which staff members will be involved with this activity.
Clicking on the Staff Members button will bring up a box where you can select which members of staff will be involved with this activity. Click on theicon for each member of staff you would like to add and then click Save.
- Lead Staff Member (visible to parents & students during signup): The teacher leading the activity. Please note, this can only be one of the staff members selected in the previous step.
Location: If the location that you want to set for the activity is not listed, you will need to create the location on SchoolsBuddy. Please read this article for more information about how to do this: Create Event Locations in SchoolsBuddy
- Click 'Add another event linked to this one' to add another day of the week for the event.
Please note Linked Events are used for activities that the attendees are the same for all occurrences. Linked events must be scheduled on different days of the week. Multiple time slots on the same day cannot be linked to the same activity. - Allow post allocation join requests: Check this box if you wish for parents/students to be able send a join request for this group once events have been allocated and generated.
- Hide post allocation join requests once full?: Check this box if you wish to prevent students/parents from submitting a join request once the group reaches its maximum capacity.
- Number of places: Number of places available in the activity.
- Minimum places: Minimum number of places for the activity to take place.
- For information/Invitation Only - Users can view but not select: Check this box if you would like to pre-select student for a group. Please click here to find more information about this.
Available to: When selected, the pop-up box shown in the image below will appear. Use the search and drop-down bar menu to select who the activity will be available to. For example, if Year 1 is selected, only students and parents of students in Year 1 will be able to select the activity. When finished, select the green 'Continue' tab.
- Gender: Like the 'available' option, selecting a gender will only allow either males or females to view and select the activity. If it is mixed, then this will be available to everyone
- Cost type: This will be either be 'Free', 'Per term/year' or 'Per session'. Please note, if you have the Fees module and you would like the fees to appear in the Fees section, you must select Per term/year.
- Cost (this only appears if Per term/year or Per session is selected as the Cost Type): If the activity has a price, type in the amount the activity costs per term/year.
- Includes Tax (this only appears if Per term/year or Per session is selected as the Cost Type): Check this box if you wish to include tax in the cost of the activity.
- Activity: Select the type of sport or activity running, i.e. Football, Basketball.
- Group Code & Billing Code: Your school's finance department may require these to be filled in for their reference.
- Once the correct details have been entered, click the green 'Save' button.
For more information about Creating an After-School Club Preference-Based Container - click here.