Once the activities sign up has closed you can make allocations, this can be done manually or using the auto allocation options. This article will explain what the auto-allocation process is for First Come First Serve in a Preference container and how to do it in SchoolsBuddy.
- Click the Activities Sign up Admin tab (this may be labelled differently due to your School's preferences)
- Click the blue Manage tab on the correct container
- Click the Auto Allocate tab.
- When the system allocates based on First Come First Serve, all the P1 choices will be confirmed and the P2 choices will make up the waiting list
- Select First Come First Serve as the applicable option.
- To allocate groups/activities, click the blue Fast Allocate (Confirmed Selections). This will allocate all the confirmed selections. NB If you select Fast Allocate All this will allocate all the selections even if they weren't confirmed (this means parents have only saved and not confirmed their selections and so the selections are not time stamped). Using this option will which will result in the FCFS allocation running incorrectly.
- If you have a policy that parents can only have '2' activities per week, you are able to set the Maximum allocations allowed limit to 2 this allows the students to select activities across the week on different days but stops them being able to sign up for any more than '2' activities. You are also able to limit the number of free activities they can join per week, but not the amount of paid activities as they generate revenue.
- Once Fast Allocate (Confirmed Selections) is selected, your groups will be allocated in a matter of seconds allocated, this is shown in the image below. You can see the P1 and P2 allocations - P1 are the activities selectioned and P2 are the waiting list options (if you have waiting lists switched on)
- To see what pupils have been allocated select the Pupil/Student Allocation Overview tab
- To learn more about this tab and the functions that can be performed within it, click here.
- You can then move to the Block Dates tab and then the Generate Events tab, click here for more information about generating events. On the Event Generation page you also have the option to send an email confirming the activities/groups for each pupil.