If your school has a pre-prepared menu for snacks and lunches, SchoolsBuddy can be utilised to create a Canteen Style menu to accommodate this, both with or without payments.
Step 1 - We set up an Instant Book & Pay Container.
- Click on Activities & Clubs (This may be labelled differently for your school).
- Click on Instant Book & Pay (Please contact SchoolsBuddy if you would like other bespoke label, such as 'Lunches').
- Click on +Add.
- Create the Container.
- Sign Up Title : give the container a title, e.g. 'Lunch term 1 2024'
- Description : add in description
- Allow booking cancellation and Block clashes
- Maximum Bookable events per group : set to 0
- Start date / end date : set as the dates you wish for parents to be able to select school lunches
- Start time / end time : set as your school's lunchtimes
- Responsibility for Confirmation : must select one of the options from 'Parent Only' or 'Students or Parents' or 'Students Only'
- Sign up opens date and time : set as before the first event
- Sign up closes dates and time : set as before the last date of the 'Activities End Date'. This is just a default time as we are able to set up on the event 'Sign up opens' a week ahead of the date and 'Sign up closes' on the day on the event.
- Tick Select All and Use Organisation Block Dates checkbox and it will be the decision of your school to whether Accept Voucher Payments.
- Terms & Conditions : add as you require
- If required, you can add a Booking Data Form so that when a parent/student books for lunch, you can acquire further information, e.g. food allergies etc. If you wish for an additional form please contact SchoolsBuddy.
- Click on Save
Step 2 - We create the Groups.
- If you are not assigning year groups but individual groups of children, we will need to create a custom group, such as one for children who qualify for free school meals. Please refer to Creating a Group help guide for creating custom group.
- Once necessary custom groups are created. Click on Manage of the lunch container, and you will land in Groups to click +Add.
- Create the Groups.
- Title : give the group a title, e.g. 'Free School Meals'
- Description : add in description if required
- Available to / Prerequisite/ Unavailable to : select who the group will be available to
- Gender : select the gender of the students who are eligible for the group
- Choose the Lead Staff member.
- Select the Activity type (please contact SchoolsBuddy if you need new activity type).
- Select the Default location. If you don't have a suitable location available, you can Creating Event Locations.
- Click Save.
Step 3 - We create the events for the groups.
- You will need to make two sets of events if you have lunches that are free of charge and other lunches that carry a charge. Go to Create Events and click on + Add New.
- Create the Events.
- Title: This will be the name of the snack or lunch option, e.g. Hot meal - Meat
- Vital and Additional Information: Add anything that you think may be useful to the parent/student or leave blank.
- Booking Options: Choose Individual
- Number of places: Leave as 0 unless you have a limit on lunch places
- Create for groups: Depending upon the event we are creating will determine which group to select. In this case, the Hot Meal- Meat is free of charge. So I have selected the free school meals group.
- Location: Check the 'Use group default location'
- Event Type: Choose Wrap around care - This will allow you to see the dates when booking. If you do not require dates then you can choose fee-only event type. Please contact SchoolsBuddy if you need new event type.
- Cost Type: If there is no fee involved, select 'Free'. If there is a fee involved, change this to 'Chargeable' and set the Price per session accordingly.
- Percentage to pay at time of booking/Deposit (%): If you wish for parents/students to pay in full at time of booking, set this to 100. If you want them to pay later, set this to 0.
- Includes Tax: Check this box if you wish to include tax.
- Payment method: Select 'Default - Create fees (and allow online payments if applicable)'. If you wish to hide or ignore the fees, select 'Hide/Ignore fees'
- Frequency: Set to 'Multiple days' and check the start and end dates are correct
- Sign Up Opens and Closes Dates: Here, you have the option of giving each individual event it's own sign-up opens and closes date. Leave blank to use the container defaulted dates. In this example, it opens up 7 days before the date and closes 4 hours before lunchtime, allowing parents to book on the morning if required. You can have these to suit your school protocol.
- Click Create Rule
- You may receive a warning message after pressing Create Rule; this is due to creating numerous events at the same time with the different options. This is fine and you should click the green Yes, create rule anyway button.
- The events can be Copy if you have a chargeable group that will need to pay for school lunches you will need to create a duplicate your free event with a charge associated.
Step 3 - We publish the events.
- Click on Publish Events
- Select the events (the toggle boxes will turn green)
- Toggle the 'I confirm' checkbox
- Click Publish
- Once published, under View Events/Bookings you will see all the events published. Additionally, you can manually book for students as required via Preview/ Manual Booking. The events will produce a register that you can export to know numbers to cater to for each preference.
Parent View of the lunch bookings