We are delighted to introduce a new feature within the SchoolsBuddy app that allows teachers to take attendance by scanning QR codes. Currently, this feature is in the trial phase, and we welcome schools interested in being part of the trial to contact us by contacting help@schoolsbuddy.com. Your participation in this trial would be highly valuable, and we encourage you to get in touch should you wish to explore this innovative functionality.
To enable this feature, please first inform the support team to enable this from our end, and follow the below steps -
1. Go to the settings cog on the top right corner of your SchoolsBuddy page (you need super admin permission to access this setting).
2. Select the 'Attendance Scanning' tab.
3. Select whether to allow attendance scanning for transport registers or all SchoolsBuddy registers.
4. Select the QR code option.
5. Select whether to allow the attendance scanning feature for external users (bus monitors and external coaches).
6. Update Attendance Scanning preferences.
7. Head to the Users tab (under the Reception tab), and click on a student's profile.
8. Fill in the QR code field with a unique code for each student (could be students' ID, email address, or any unique value)
9. Save
We can provide a bulk update for all students' QR codes each term. For students who enroll midway through the term, kindly proceed to update their QR codes using Steps 7 to 9.
Once the codes are inputted for the students, the actual QR codes can be created using any available software, eg QR Code Factory
Once the QR codes are generated, you can either issue a printed version of the QR code to the students, or if they have access to the SchoolsBuddy app, they can load the QR code in their profile. The codes can be affixed to the student's ID cards or any items that students carry around.
Staff can then take attendance by scanning students' QR codes using the SchoolsBuddy app on their mobile devices.
Please refer to this article for taking attendance with QR code scanning as a teacher.