Below will outline the two ways in which you can pay through SchoolsBuddy, either at the time of booking events, or afterwards, following Fees that have been charged to your account for a booking. These may have been booked for you by the school or you may have made a partial payment at the time of booking and now need to pay the remaining balance.
Making a Payment for Fees already charged
- From the home page you can see any fees outstanding. You can enter the Fees Summary page by clicking on either 'Fees' or 'Outstanding Fees'.
- When selected, a summary of the fees you owe will be displayed. An example of this is shown in the image below.
- To make a payment, click the tick box next to the corresponding charge and either click Pay Selected or Pay all.
- Once you have selected the total amount you wish to pay, you will be taken to a payment summary screen. You do not have to pay the full amount and can edit this within the 'Payment' box.
- To pay by credit card select your school's payment provider and then the blue 'Pay xx amount' button.
When selected, a pop-up box will appear on screen like the one shown in the image below. Depending on which payment provider your school uses, enter:-- Email (associated with your SchoolsBuddy Account)
- Cardholder name
- Credit/Debit card number
- Expiry Date (Month/Year)
When the correct details have been entered, click the blue 'Pay xx amount' tab. Please note the image below may be different depending on your payment provider.
To pay using credit in your wallet select ' XX Credit'. The button beneath will change from the payment provider to say 'Pay xx amount With Credit Balance'. Click the button to confirm.
- A 'Payment Complete' summary screen is shown and you will receive an email confirmation of the payment.
Making a Booking
- Click on Activities & Clubs or one of the Available Signups on your Home tab to see all the different events or clubs available to your child(ren).
Clicking on the Activities & Clubs tab will take you to a page similar to this where you can select the activity:
- Click the tickbox next to the date of the activity you want to book. If more than one of your children is eligible for the activity you can select the activity for all.
- Next, click 'Book'.
- The School's terms and conditions will appear in a pop-up box. Select the tickbox and click 'OK' to confirm that you accept the Terms & Conditions. A booking confirmation screen will show a summary of charges for the events you have selected.
- Select your preferred payment method from the options available.
- Once you have selected the payment method, click 'Pay'.
If you want to remove or select more events click 'Edit/Add More'. If you are happy with your selection you can choose a payment method. - If you have credit in your wallet, you can choose to pay using this credit by selecting 'Credit'. The payment buttons available will change, click 'Pay xx amount With Credit Balance'.
To pay by credit/ debit card select 'Pay xx amount Online'
When selected, a pop-up box will appear on screen like the one shown in the image below. Depending on which payment provider your school uses, enter the fields that are required:
- email (associated with your SchoolsBuddy Account)
- Cardholder name
- Credit/Debit card number
- Expiry Date (Month/Year)
When the correct details have been entered, click the blue 'Pay xx amount' button.
To pay using a Childcare Voucher click 'Pay xx amount With Childcare Voucher' . You can use this payment method even if the balance of childcare vouchers on your account is 0 if the activity is eligible to be paid with childcare vouchers. Click 'Continue' to confirm payment.
- A 'Booking Confirmation' summary screen is shown and you will receive an email confirmation of the payment.
You are also able to part pay using different methods, for example a mixture of credit and card.