This feature is a great tool to allow students who join the school mid-term to request activities, or if a student misses the signup window and would like to join activities after allocation.
In the Activities module of SchoolsBuddy you can enable post allocation join requests for your preference based activities sign-up. When requested, the activity organiser(s) (or staff with the Join Request Admins role configured from the Staff Roles tab) will receive an email notification. *(External staff are not able to accept or reject join requests, admin staff will need to action the requests for the groups organised by external providers.)
Staff can then manage their group and add the student if there are places available, and accept or decline the join request to send an email back to the parent. Signup and Join Request Admin can accept or decline any requests for all groups.
Allowing CCA/Activity Container to have Post Allocation Join Requests
Container Level
- Click the 'Activities & Clubs Admin' tab in the left-hand side menu or from the main page below the Diary section.
- Click the 'Edit' tab next to the container you wish to turn on join requests for.
- Select the tick box and click the green 'Save' tab at the bottom of the page.
- Now the container will show that join requests are turned on.
Group/Activity Level
- Click the 'Manage' tab for your selected container.
- Click the 'Edit' tab next to the group/activity you wish to turn on post allocation join requests.
- Click the 'Allow post allocation join request tick box' and you also have the option of to stop these requests once the group/activity meets the maximum number of places assigned.
- When your preferred options have been selected, click the green 'Save' tab at the bottom of the page.
- In the 'Groups' tab of the container, it will now display that join request are available.
Parents/Students submitting join requests
Once the CCA/Activities events have been generated and the container is live, Pupils/Parents will be able to request to join Activities/Groups that have enabled post allocation to join requests.
Below is a pupil/parent view when submitting a post-allocation join request. The image below shows a container that has post allocation join requests available.
The groups that are available for join requests will be listed and the pupil/parent will be able to submit a post-allocation join request.
Notification of a Post Allocation Join Request
You will receive a notification when a post-allocation join request has been submitted if you are:
- A Signup and join request admin
- Assigned as a staff to the activity
To respond to the join requests, please
- Click the 'Reception' tab in the left-hand side menu or from the main page below the Diary section.
- Click the 'Join Requests' tab.
- From there, you will see a list of Pupils who have requested to join particular groups.
- To accept or reject, click the green 'Accept' or red 'Reject' tab.
As a Sign-up and join request admin you will be able to accept or reject all of the join requests. The lead organiser of a Group/Activity will only be able to accept or reject the activities/groups in which they organise. - If you wish to see the Pupils' profile which will show their diary, group memberships, and other information, please click the green
icon that is located next to the Pupil name.
- Click the 'Diary' or 'Groups' tab to see their current diary/membership.
- The parent/pupil will be notified when their join request has been answered via email notification.