Once the account testing and setup is complete, we have to do the set up at this end and will need your AsiaPay credentials to complete the integration. The credentials should be sent to us securely using this online form. Please do not submit them in the body of an email. You will also need to add an alternative email address for the test payment (see Step 5 below).
- Account Number/Merchant ID
- Secret hash/key
- API Username
- API Password token
SchoolsBuddy doesn't have access to your AsiaPay account, therefore please request the required information from service@paydollar.com, they will only share the keys with you.
1. Payment Response URLs
You will need to update the payment response URLs - see screenshots for guidance.
Log into your AsiaPay Merchant Account and select Back to Previous Version
2. Select Payment Option under Profile > Profile Setting:-
3. Update the URL with your SchoolsBuddy URL in the four grey/white boxes (your URL will have been sent to you once your set-up is complete and the Super Admin users have been activated). Each box must have your establishment’s SchoolsBuddy URL followed by all the text as shown in the examples below
You will also need to update some Payment Options fields:-
- Return Value Ink (data feed) - should be "enabled"
- Data Feed failure alert by email - should be "enabled" ***
- Payment method selection in payment page should be "by logo"
- Paybooth Settings - Payment Access Code IGNORE this setting
- Paybooth Settings - Auto-Generate Merchant Reference Number IGNORE this setting
(a) Return Value Link (DataFeed) should read:
(b) Successful Page Return Url should read:
(c) Fail Page Return Url should read:
(d) Cancel Page Return Url should read:
***Data feed failure alerts may be sent to you if a payment has been taken by AsiaPay, but has not been recorded in SchoolsBuddy due to a data feed failure. If this occurs you will need to login to your AsiaPay portal and Resend the Data Feed to SchoolsBuddy, and alert the SchoolsBuddy Support team by sending an email to help@schoolsbuddy.com
4. SchoolsBuddy Test Payment
Once setup has been confirmed, we will create a charge on a test student's account and link you as a parent to the test student. please make a test payment and confirm it's received in your Asiapay merchant account.
When logging into your SchoolsBuddy account, you will see a charge for a small amount. Please click on the amount (as highlighted in the screenshot below) and proceed to make the test payment.
Please advise us of the successful test payment.
If there is an error message please report it to us so we can see if it is a configuration issue for us or AsiaPay.