If you wish to create more staff members in ClubsBuddy, this can be easily done. This article gives instruction how to create and send an activation email to a newly added staff member.
- Click the 'Reception/Registers' tab
2. Click the 'Users' tab
3. Click the 'Add Staff' tab.
When selected, the staff creation screen will appear. Fill in the correct details surrounding the staff member.
When the correct details have been entered, click the green 'Save' tab.
When the staff member has been saved and added to the ClubsBuddy database, they must now be sent an activation email. This must be sent in order for them to set up their ClubsBuddy account.
To send them an activation email, select the 'Admin' tab.
When selected, 3 sections will appear that says Staff, Pupil, Parent. To send an activation email to a staff member this will be done within the staff section.
Click the 'Welcome email - not sent' and this will create a drop down which will show the name and the email address of the newly added staff member
Click the toggle box next to the staff members name, this will then fill with green.
Select the green 'Send' tab located in the top right of the screen
The staff member will then receive an activation email with instructions on how to set-up their ClubsBuddy account.