ClubsBuddy can be used to communicate with Members, Parents and, Staff.
Almost every task undertaken by Staff/Organiser’s results in others being notified of information.
It is important to note that ClubsBuddy has a structure. Regions / Groups / Events
A Club can contain unlimited groups and events are often created for groups. However, whole club events can be created as well. Pupils are members of a region and can be added to as many groups as required and attend as many events as needed. Therefore communications can take place at a Region, Group or Event level. Please note: All communications are therefore personalised to the groups that the members are in. Hence parents will not receive unnecessary information about other groups or events that do not concern them. When members/ parents login they only see the groups and events associated with them only.
Staff/Organisers can communicate the following:
- Notify members about events they must attend (Auto Notify)
- Send invites to members or parents (this is determined by the club setup) for an event
- Changes to any event essential information such as time, date, location.
- If a member has been selected for an event
- Cancellation of an event
- Any notices for any region, group, or event.
- Any news for any region, group, or event.
- Match or event reports
- SMS Global Messaging
- Invite parents/members to signup and register for after-school clubs (if the module is active for the school)
Parent / Member Interaction
Parents can:
- Respond to invites (if the club is setup for parents to respond to invites)
- Select pull events for their children
Members can:
- Do as parents (if the club has opted for members to be responsible)
- Respond to event and group chat if activated by the event/group organiser.
Method of Communication
Parents / Members receive emails and if they have downloaded the iOS and Android app (both Apps currently in development) they will receive in-app push notifications and in-app notifications.
They can also receive SMS text messages to their mobile device.