At ClubsBuddy, we are constantly updating and creating reports for our schools so please check in on this article from time to time to see any updates.
Reports can be accessed from the 'Reception | Reports' tab or from the 'Fees | Reports' tab. Some reports can also be accessed from the 'Activities & Clubs | Manage' for Preference Based Containers only tab.
Reception tab reports
Last Update: January 2022
Please note, it's possible that not all of these reports will be available to all Clubs.
Attendance Dashboard (by Student & Group) - C112.1A - View the most recent absentees (filter by grade/year and event type), check to see which staff members are not taking attendance registers, and view the students who have attended the most. Also check the attendees of future events like school trips, so you can make provisions.
Attendance Lists (Per Signup Container) (C112.1) - Shows attendees which can be shown for past or future days/weeks/months or years.
Class Lists / Event Lists (C107.2) - View upcoming or past events for students which can be filtered by Class/Home Room. The schedule can be shown for past or future days/weeks/months or years. See which students don't have any events upcoming.
Custom Data (C500) - This report shows any data that is captured from a form that is either linked to a container or not linked to a container.
Dormant Members (No Events In Time Period) - Shows event lists and Dormant members with no upcoming events. Schedule can be shown for past or future days/weeks/months or years.
Email Templates (View only) - View the templates of emails which are sent out to parents / students / staff. Please contact ClubsBuddy Helpdesk if you would like these to be changed.
Finance Dashboard (C123.1) - Main report used for reconciling payment providers. Multiple tabs to view a group summary, event summary, billing/group code summary and more.
Member & Parent Export - Ability to export details of all members and parents.
Student groups by Container (C118.3) - A live view of which students are currently groups, organised by container. View/sort by student name or activity group.
Fees tab reports
Last Update: January 2022
Please note: In order to access the Fees reports you must first be assigned a Fees Admin role.
Accounts Overview (C124.1) - Shows the Student and Parent Accounts overviews.
Cash Position (inc. Wallet & Voucher Balances) (C105) - Shows the Wallet and Voucher balances as well as the balances of Students.
Email Templates (View only) - View the templates of emails which are sent out to parents / students / staff. Please contact ClubsBuddy Helpdesk if you would like these to be changed.
Finance Dashboard (C123.1) - Main report used for reconciling payment providers. Multiple tabs to view a group summary, event summary, billing/group code summary and more.