When setting up your container within SchoolsBuddy you have the option to add in your Schools Terms & Conditions in two ways:
- To enter your Terms & Conditions directly into SchoolsBuddy
- Link to your Schools website to see your Terms & Conditions
Example of Terms & Conditions:
(Please copy and change as required)
- All pupils are required to complete the Registration Form in order to use the Pre and After School Club and attend school trips.
- There is a one-off administration fee that will be applied.
- Bookings for Pre and After School Club are made via SchoolsBuddy.
- Bookings may be made for the whole academic year.
- Ad hoc bookings may be subject to availability.
- Please ensure that all trips, residential trips, matches, events and times when Co-curricular Clubs are not operating, are taken account of.
- Bookings for the Breakfast Club are for a session and cost x per day.
- All fees are invoiced in arrears on the termly bill. We hold the right to add on interest charges for overdue payments.
- Bookings made and not cancelled giving notice of at least 24 hours will be charged at x .
- There is a fee for late collection of pupils after x time of cost x and this is applied per pupil.
- Pupils may only be collected by the Authorised Persons, as named on the Registration Form. In an emergency, other arrangements may be made by contacting the After School Club Manager on x.
- In the event that a pupil is not collected by x time, the After School Club Manager will contact the parents/emergency contact. In the event that these cannot be reached, the School Uncollected Child Policy will be enacted (LINK ADDED)
- It is the parents’ responsibility to inform the Breakfast and After School Club Manager if any of the details on the Registration Form change.
- All pupils are expected to demonstrate good behaviour at all times and are encouraged to cooperate in accordance with the rules of the Breakfast and After School Club. Where a pupil consistently demonstrates unacceptable behaviour, the parents and relevant staff will be involved in discussing the most appropriate response.
How to enter your Terms & Conditions if hosted on your School's Website
If your Terms & Conditions are hosted on your website or you wish to provide a link to your Schools website please copy the URL in the space below.
From a Parent's Perspective
When a parent makes a booking and submits this booking, a pop up box will appear with these Terms and Conditions which the parent must agree to before proceeding with payment or completion of the booking.