Your step by step guide to get online payments set up for your SchoolsBuddy account
- Email Introduction
You will receive an email from us, to introduce you to our Amazon Payment Services (APS) onboarding contact. You will need to reply with the following information:-
- Number of students enrolled
- Tuition Fees per year (SAR)
- Frequency of Payments per customer (Monthly/Quarterly)
- Expected Online Card Volume monthly (SAR)
- Ratio of Local vs International card transactions %
- Current Online/POS Service Provider if any
- APS Initial Contact and Proposal
Amazon Payment Services will then arrange a suitable time with you to discuss your requirements. Following this, they will request particulars about your organisation, and then provide a commercial proposal and set your account up using the Merchant Page Model.
IMPORTANT - PLEASE NOTE - If you already have an Amazon account for taking payments for another reason such as Tuition Fees you will need a sub-account for processing fees with SchoolsBuddy. You will need to ask Amazon to set up the sub-account for you. If it is a sub-account you should not need a new agreement with Amazon to do this - they should be able to add this for you fairly quickly. Once that account is set up and live we can move to step 4.
- Bank Rate
APS will negotiate with the bank and confirm the rates to you, along with the formal proposal and KYC requirements.
- Live Credentials and Test Payment
Once the setup is complete we will need to configure the payment integration and arrange for a test payment to be carried out. We will need some credentials from you.
Please login to your live/production account - using the URL -
You should find the Security Settings under the Integration Settings located on the left-hand side of your page. This process can be performed depending on the user role access on your FORT account.
- Click on Merchant Management Tab.
- Select specific Subaccount : your account name
Then go to Integration Settings >> Security Settings
Ensure the SHA Type is set to SHA-512
We will need you to send us :
- Amazon Merchant ID
- Amazon access code
- SHA request phrase (Secure Hash)
- SHA response phrase (Secure Hash)
You can submit the credentials to us by copying and pasting them into this secure online form.
You need to update the Technical settings as follows:-
Set the URLs as follows:
- Direct Transaction Feedback URL -
- Notification URL -
- Redirection URL -
If you are unsure of your SchoolsBuddy URL please contact us immediately - or
Set Return URL Type to POST
Set Response Type should be automatically set to JSON by default
Don't change Downgrade CVC
The response type "JSON" may not appear for some new merchants as it will automatically be set by default to JSON.
You should not need to update any other Technical settings
Important Note:
- Please make sure that you have the Same Technical Settings in the Sandbox Account as well.
- Otherwise, you may run into "GET" and "POST" incompatibility issues.
- Live Payments
Once a successful test payment has been achieved your SchoolsBuddy site will then be live to use online payments.