MIS Absence
If a student is marked as Absent in your MIS at the start of the day or for the afternoon, SchoolsBuddy can bring this information into your registers and will be shown under the column MIS Absent.
The member of staff taking the register can then see whether a student is not able to attend the activity and can mark them as Excused accordingly. We recommend using Excused for known absence because Absent marks can be notified to the staff member with the Absentee Alerts role, so that they can quickly investigate these.
In the example below, you can see that there were 3 students absent from the MIS registration, 1 in the morning, 1 all day and 1 in the afternoon.
The example below is for an afternoon activity.
- The student who was absent in the morning (possibly for a dentist appointment) was able to attend the activity as they returned to school in time for the afternoon registration. The MIS Absent column shows AM
- The student who was absent all day was off sick so the MIS Absent column shows AM / PM
- The student who was away for afternoon registration had prior permission to leave at lunchtime in order to travel and so did not attend afternoon registration. The MIS Absent column shows PM
We support absence mark updates for ManageBac, ISAMS, Powerschool, SIMS and most systems which are synced via Wonde. Please contact us for more information.
Please note we only import Homeroom Attendance from ManageBac, therefore only 'AM' will show on SchoolsBuddy register if a student is marked absent in ManageBac