Absentee Alerts
When taking a register for an activity, you may want to notify the staff and/or the parents of any absentees. The option for notifying parents can be disabled if you would not like staff to use this. Please contact SchoolsBuddy if you would like this option disabled.
To choose the member of staff who will receive absentee alerts, an Organisation Super Admin can set this in Settings | Staff Roles. Please see the article Assigning Staff Roles for more details on how to do this.
As you fill out the register and an Absent option is checked, the buttons Notify staff of x absentees and Notify parents of x absentees (if this option is turned on) will become highlighted.
You can click on one or both of these if you wish to notify the staff or parents of absentees.
Clicking on the Notify Parent button will send an email along with a push notification to the parent(s) of the student who is marked as absent.
If you click on the Notify Staff button, the member of staff responsible for Absentee alerts will receive an email similar to this: