Registers can be taken by more than one staff member via the Reception tab. They can be taken all at once to assist with events where there are a large number of attendees and updates are saved live with a timestamp.
- Click the Reception tab.
- Click the Registers / Events tab (you will be taken to this tab by default if you have clicked on Reception from another tab).
- The date range will default as today's registers. You may change the date range by clicking on the calendar icon or change the group, year, event type and organiser by clicking on Filter. There are filters to see attendance started, completed or deleted, also filters to remove parent's evening appointments, transport registers, or fee only events from the view.
- Click on a register to select it. The Register is the default view and will open in the side panel.
- Select the toggle box next to the student's name to record their attendance.
- Present
- Absent - unexpected absence
- Excused - expected absence
- Late - present but it is noted they were late
- Click on the
icon to put in attendance notes.
- After the attendance has been taken, if a student exited, click on Exit Mode.
- You can then document the student leaving and with whom.
Conflict state(s) of attendees when more than one staff member are taking registers/ Live time stamp of the latest register/ Notify staff & Notify parent of absentees
- The register saves in real time so that more than one staff member can take the register at the same time. For example, if there is a particularly large group, when two staff members are take the registers simultaneously, if one staff member marks a student with a conflicting status, a Resolve Attendance State button appears, the staff may click on the button to confirm or cancel the changes.
- The date and time of when the register was last updated is shown at the top of the screen.
- If any of the students are absent you have the option to notify parents and/or staff members. The staff member who has the Absentee alert role will receive the email alert when click on Notify staff of absentee. All parent/guardian contacts linked to the student will receive the email notification when click on Notify parents of absentee. If you don't push these buttons, no notifications will be sent but the register will be saved with the status indicated. The Notify parent of absentees button is defaulted to show, if you would not like this button to be visible, please contact SchoolsBuddy to disable the button.
Indicators of the registers status
When the register autosaves, a tick mark will appear next to the event although you may need to click Refresh() for the register to see this. An example of this has been shown in the image below.
- A Green tick (
) denotes that the register is complete, ALL the students have been marked as one of the options.
- A Yellow tick (
) denotes that at least one student does not have one of the options marked.
- A Red tick (
) denotes that the register is complete AND the parents have been notified of absentees.
- If there is no tick present, then either there are no students assigned to the event or none of the register has yet been taken.
Different options to view registers / Retrievable information while taking attendance
- Detailed view: defaulted to show the students Year and Class, you may also choose to view the Date of Birth by switching on the Date of Birth.
- Quick view: defaulted to show the students Class only
- Select Year: If you have different year groups in the same register but only want to see Grade 10, you can tick on the year group(s) required.
- Consent Notes: If a parent has written any extra consent notes at the time of accepting an invite, they will show under the student's name.
- Attendance Notes: If any notes that have been added while recording attendance. They will show under the student's name and on the downloaded CSV file.
- Previous/ Next Events: If a student is attending other events before or after the current event, they will show under the student's name.
- Details contains information about the event. From here you can edit, delete or cancel the event.
- Guardians contains parent/ guardians contact details for quick access, including quick link phone numbers.
- Send Communication can be used to send messages when canceling the event, or send a message to the group via email or SMS.
- Medical gives quick access to medical details (collected by a custom data form or from your MIS. Please contact SchoolsBuddy for more details). If you are not using an MIS system, admin users can manually update them on the student's account.
- Tagged Data shows the information collected from custom data forms. If you would like to collect extra details that would be useful for staff to see please contact SchoolsBuddy to set this up.
- Some schools may give admin users access to see the Add button. This is used to add students to the register without raising any charges.