Switcher Accounts
You can now link yourself to a test student using your staff email which creates a switcher account allowing you to easily switch between a staff and parent view. Please see below for how to set this up.
Test Student Accounts
As a standard practice, when we create your SB account, we add up to 5 test students.
These test students will allow you to create a test parent account and link yourself to at least 1 of these test students.
These test student accounts can be edited and assigned to different school years/grades. To edit a test student's account, please follow our guide below:
- Click the Reception tab.
- Click the User tab.
- Enter the word 'Student' or 'Test' into the 'Search Bar'.
- Click the search icon.
- Click on a 'Test Student' record from the search results to edit the account.
- In the Test Student's User Profile, you can change their School Year/Grade from the dropdown box.
- Click Save to confirm your changes.
Setting up a Test Parent Account
We recommend setting up at least one test parent account for your school as it is important to familiarize yourself with what the parent's experience will be like on SchoolsBuddy.
The Parent View and Emails received by parents are different from those seen and received by staff members. Therefore, it's important to understand these processes and check that the wording used within the email templates is suitable.
To set up a Test Parent Account, login to your SchoolsBuddy account and complete the following steps:
- Go to the Reception tab
- Click on Users tab
- Search for the test students by typing 'Test' or 'Student' into the search bar
- Click on the search button
- Click on the first test student
- On the right hand side, click on the Linked tab.
- Click the +Add button and fill in the three fields - First Name, Last Name & Email Address, by using the same email address as your staff account.
- Log out and back in again for the switcher account to be activated. You will then notice a green user type box in the top right hand corner. Click on this to switch between parent and staff view.
Parents should not be added to the system this way if your SchoolsBuddy site is integrated with ManageBac as ManageBac requires a staff and parent account.