Organisation Block Dates are dates when you don't want an event to occur. Use these for holiday periods or days during the school year when events are not going to run, e.g. teacher training days.
Please note: From within an activity container you can choose whether to use organisation block dates or not so if you were creating a holiday club you could still create the signup without any issues. You will also have the ability to add in extra block dates for the specific activity container itself.
Setting Block Dates
- Click the Settings cog.
- Click the Organisation block dates tab.
- Enter the date range you wish to block out in the selection box and the reason these dates are being blocked out.
- Click Add.
- The newly created block date will be listed. If you need to amend the dates click Edit or Delete to remove it. Please note, changes to Block dates will not retrospectively update activities that have already been published; if the date of May Bank Holiday is changed after an activity has been published you must add new activities for the date that was previously blocked & cancel sessions that exist on the new block date.
For all activity containers you can choose whether to use organisation block dates. If you use the Organisation Block dates no activities will be scheduled or charged for the days that have been blocked. Please make sure this option is correct before generating or publishing events.