This article explains how to delete the events you no longer need for a Parent Teacher Conference.
- Click on 'Activities & Clubs' (This may be named differently depending on your school's settings.
- Select the Parent Teacher Conference tab (This may be labelled differently due to your School's preferences).
- Click 'Manage' for the Parent Teacher Conference for which you wish to delete events.
- Click on 'View meetings / bookings'.
- Click on the group you want to remove
- Click on one of the events
- Click on 'Details' on the right
- Scroll to the bottom and click 'Delete'
- This will bring up a pop up box asking if you wish to 'Delete other events from series?'. You can 'Toggle All' to change all events or select the events you wish to cancel.
- Click on 'Delete Events' (you may need to scroll down to find this button)
- The selected events are now marked as deleted but can be restored if required.
You can check that these events are deleted by going to
- Reception | Registers / Events
- Select the dates
- Click Filter
- Check the Deleted box
- Select the Group
- The deleted events appear in Red with the word DELETED next to the date/time.
Also, the deleted events will no longer appear under View meetings / bookings for the PTC.
Deleting Events can also be performed from the 'Reception Tab'. Details of how to do it this way can be found here: Editing, Deleting or Cancelling an event