If you have been assigned the "Organisation Super Admin" role for your school, you will be able to manage a variety of permissions for the staff from the settings page.
Staff can be assigned different roles, each granting specific access permissions in SchoolsBuddy. They can also hold a combination of various additional roles as needed.
Please review the permissions available in SchoolsBuddy below and see what staff can do with each one:
- No permission assigned (Default):
- Take registers
- Create custom groups
- Send communications(only for own groups)
- Accept/reject join requests (only for own groups)
- Organise events (only for their own groups)
- Admin:
- Create containers
- Manage all groups
- Send communications to all groups/years
- Organise events for all groups
- Absentee Alert:
- Receive an email notification when a staff notify student absences
- Sign up and join requests:
- Accept/reject join requests for all activities
- Fees role:
- Access the fees module (without the ability to adjust fee/raise credit)
- Advanced Fee Admin:
- Fees role (with the ability to adjust fee/raise credit)
Must also have Fees role assigned.
- Fees role (with the ability to adjust fee/raise credit)
- Communications admin:
- Send communications to all groups/years
- Organisation Super Admin:
- Assign staff role
- Update students/parents data (if you don't have MIS integrated)
- Transport Admin
- Staff who can access Transport without configuration rights
- Transport Advanced Admin
- Staff who can access Transport with configuration rights
- Transport Alerts
- Staff who receive Transport Communications
- Transport Bus Monitor
- External Staff who can access Transport Registers
- Tuition Fee Admin
- Staff who handle school tuition fees
- New Registrations
- Staff who manage new registrations in your organisation
- New Booking Alerts
- Receive a notification when a new booking is made (only applicable to Instant Book and PTC)
Editing Staff Permissions
- Click the Settings cog in the top right corner
- Select the Staff Roles tab from the left hand side menu
- From there, select which role you wish to allocate a staff member.
- When the staff role has been selected, a list of staff users who currently have that role will appear on the right-hand side of the screen. Click the 'Edit' tab to allocate more staff users this role.
- A pop-up box will appear on the screen like the one shown in the image below. The list on the right (Selected) shows all staff who already have this staff roll. To allocate another staff user to this role, click the '+' icon next to their name and they will move over to the 'selected column'.
You can also remove the staff user by clicking the red trash can icon which moves them back to the Available column.
When the correct staff have been selected, click 'Update' to save your changes.