Within SchoolsBuddy, you have the ability to quickly compile a list of people you wish to send an activation email to. You may want to restrict who has, and hasn't been granted to access to Schoolsbuddy during the initial roll out of the software to trial it with different Years or Groups.
To send the activation email in bulk, click here.
- Click the 'Reception' tab and then click 'Users' tab.
2. Then select the 'Activation' tab, which will show different user types available to choose from.
3. Select the 'User' type and then the 'Activation Status', it'll drop down one of the following options:
- Not Sent - This applies to anyone in the system that has never been sent an activation email. This will be the most common option for sending out your first activation emails, or sending activation emails to new Students, Parents or Staff within the system.
- No Email - there is no email tied to the user account.
- Sent but Inactive - This applies to anyone that has previously been sent an activation email but didn't proceed to activating their account. This will mainly be used for people who's invite from the original welcome message has expired or their welcome message has either been missed or not received.
- Active - This is used as a method to send any person within the system a Password reset email. Please see this article for more details how to do this.
4. Select the 'Activation Status' option that applies to you, then select the 'Search' bar function at the top of the page.
*You can also filter by anything entered into the search box, such as a name or an email address.
5. After entering your search and clicking on the magnifying glass icon, you will see toggle box next to each user profile.
6. Select the filtered user(s), then click on the 'Send Activation Email' or 'Send Password Reset' button, and your email will only be sent to the user's selected.
7. When the correct user(s) have been selected, click the green 'Send' button in the center of the page.
The user(s) will then receive an email with instructions telling them how to activate their account or how to reset their password.