If the payment provider used by your School is PaySafe and you wish to give a parent/pupil a refund for a payment, this must be completed via PaySafe. This process contains two stages.
1: Processing a Withdrawal from the Wallet under Fees in SchoolsBuddy
2: Giving the refund within the PaySafe Portal
Processing a Withdrawal from the Wallet in SchoolsBuddy
To process the withdrawal in SchoolsBuddy please read the article Refunding Money Back to the Original Payment Method.
Giving the Refund through PaySafe
First, find the transaction ID in SchoolsBuddy.
- Click on Fees > Student Accounts Overview & search for the student name. Click the 'View Transactions' button on the right.
- Adjust the date filter as required. Copy the PaySafe transaction ID.
- Log into your School PaySafe account using the information used when registering. Log into your NetBanx portal by clicking here
- When you have logged into NetBanx navigate to Reports > Activity Report > Lookup
- Enter the Date the transaction was processed.
- Enter the name or last 4 digits of the credit card of the client.
- Select Perform Lookup.
- On the next screen, showing details of the 'Settlement', scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the green plus sign to 'Apply credit':
- Next add in a reference ID number in the pop up 'Process Credit' window, and check the value is correct as required. Then click Submit.
- Now the payment has been refunded in PaySafe, if you have not yet processed a withdrawal from the Wallet in the Fees tab in SchoolsBuddy, go back to part 1.
If this is not done, any related Reports will be affected.