NB. First make sure you have cancelled or refunded the booking to the Parent's wallet in SchoolsBuddy - please see this article for individual refunds or this article for processing multiple refunds at once.
Users who have the Advanced Fee Admin permission level can process a withdrawal from the wallet in SchoolsBuddy.
- Click on the Fees module on the Homepage
- Click on Wallet Accounts Overview in the main menu panel
- Search for the parent's wallet (if necessary)
- Click Withdrawal
- Enter a description
- Enter a reference as appropriate
- Choose the amount you'd like to withdraw
- Click Withdraw
You will then need to process the refund through the original payment method. Please click on the links below, depending on the payment provider.
Giving a refund through Stripe
Giving a refund through Checkout.com
Giving a refund through Paysafe
Giving a refund through AsiaPay
Giving a refund through BlueSnap