To refund money through the original payment method. Please view the article Refunding Money Back to the Original Payment Method.
Any type of refund or price adjustment can be processed back to a wallet for the parent to use against other activities or events within SchoolsBuddy.
There are two ways of doing this - either cancel the booking from the Activity container, or cancel the fees from the Fees Summary tab.
Cancelling a Booking & Refunding the Fee Automatically for an Instant Book & Pay Container
- Go to 'Activities & Clubs' (this may be labelled differently for your school)
- Click on the Container type, in this case 'Instant Book'
- Click 'Manage' for the container
- Click 'View Events/Bookings' or 'Existing Events'.
- Use the filters to choose the group or event
- Click on the date of the session you would like to cancel the student from.
- Click the trash can symbol next to the student's name in Attendees.
If the event is part of a 'Block Booking', A 'Delete block booking' pop up box will appear. If the event is an 'Individual Event', a 'Delete booking' pop up box will appear.
- To refund the parent, you can leave the 'Adjust all charges to zero' ticked or untick this option and the booking will be cancelled without a refund. Please note that if it was a Block Booking, the all the money is refunded. If you wish to refund only part of it please see below of how to adjust fees from the Fees tab.
- Click 'Delete Booking' to delete the booking.
- The student has now been canceled from the event and any linked events going forward (if it was a Block Booking), and removed from the register.
- You can check for a record of the refund by clicking on the 'Fees' tab and then the 'Wallet Accounts Overview' tab. Search for the parent's name and click 'View transactions' to see further details. You may need to adjust the date filter to see more transactions.
Cancelling Fees from the Fees Summary tab
- Click on 'Fees' and then 'Summary'
- Adjust the dates if they do not cover the period of the activity to refund/adjust.
- Click on 'Filter': you can either select a group to find the previous charges or choose the student you wish to refund.
- After selecting the student, click the '+' sign to expand the relevant group and see all sessions.
- Click '+' again next to the date of the session to be refunded/ adjusted.
- Click the black 'Adjust fee' icon on the right hand side.
- In the 'Fee adjustment' pop up box, enter the amount to adjust (the amount of money to return to the parent wallet)
- Add a description
- Choose the correct reason for the adjustment.
- Then click 'Submit'.
- On returning to the Student's details in the Fees Summary page you will now see the adjustment logged under the event. The payment is refunded to the wallet of the parent who made the booking initially.
- You can also check the refund has processed by visiting the 'Wallet Accounts Overview' tab. Search for the parent's name and click 'View transactions' to see further details. You may need to adjust the date filter to see more transactions.