Once you’ve set up GPS tracking using the steps in [Setting Up GPS for Transport Tracking] and [How to Enable GPS Tracking on Your Device], you can view the live tracking information in three locations within SchoolsBuddy:
1. Live Route Data
- On the Homepage, click on the Transport module.
- In the Transport module, click on the Live Route Data page.
Under the main table of live route data, a map view will display the last known location of all buses that are being tracked.
Using Filters: The filters above the table allow you to customize the view. You can filter the map to only show the bus(es) you are interested in. (e.g. On Schedule, Late, Not Started, Completed)
Interacting with the Map:
• Scrolling & Dragging: You can scroll or drag the map to explore different areas.
• Zooming: Use the + and - buttons in the top-right corner of the map to zoom in or out.
• Resetting the View: To quickly return to the default view of all tracked buses, click on the target icon below the map.
2. Route Details Page
Accessing Route Details: By clicking on a route or bus icon from the map on the Live Route Data page, you will be redirected to the Route Details Page. Here, you will find an additional map view.
- Stops Location: The map will also show the locations of all the stops associated with the selected route if you have entered the coordinates for each stop. (Please see this article for detailed steps.)
Tracking Individual Student Entries and Exits: On the right side of the page, the register view will display a location icon beside each student’s name. This icon provides details on where the student entered and exited the bus.
Viewing the Map: Clicking on this location icon will open the map view, showing the exact location of the student’s boarding and exiting points.
3. Attendance and Exit Notes
The GPS data, including where students entered and exited the bus, is also available in the Attendance and Exit Note fields under Reception > Registers & Events.
To view this information:
- Go to Reception
- Select Registers & Events
- Click on the required event.
- Click on the Attendance Note to open the map view showing where students entered and exited the bus.
- Alternatively, click on Exit Mode.
- Then, click on the Exit Note to see the same map view.
It takes 1-2 minutes for the location to show in the Attendance/Exit Notes
By following these steps, you can track and view the location data for your buses and students.