Within Transport, you are able to assign different staff roles to staff members so they have different permissions. This guide will outline how and what roles are available to users. Please see the guide here on how to assign roles.
To find the staff roles page:
- Click on the settings button (the cog icon) at the top right of the screen (only Super Admins will be able to see this).
- Select Staff Roles from the left hand menu
- Transport Admin: Staff who can access Transport without configuration rights.
- Transport Advanced Admin: Staff who can access Transport with configuration rights.
Transport Alerts: Staff who receive Transport Communications
If you are an 'Organisation Super Admin', then you will have been assigned the roles Transport Admin and Transport Advanced Admin by default.
Transport Advanced Admin
- Access to all configuration transport set up
- Mass student assignment
- Reports
- Can add a change request for the student
- Can approve or reject change requests
Transport Admin
- Will give you access to Reports and change request modules.
- Can add a change request for the student
- Can approve or reject change requests
Transport Alerts (To have access to this role you will need to have either admin / advanced admin Transport roles)
- Alerts of absences and change requests through an email notification
External Bus Monitors
This role is for staff that need to take the register of attendance on the bus but do not need configuration or alert access. You are able to add these users directly to SchoolsBuddy. Please see our guide on: How to manually add a Staff member to SchoolsBuddy
If you require your bus monitors to have extra permissions such as below please reach out to help@schoolsbuddy.com where we are able to turn these settings on.
- View Guardians
- Can view medical records
- Can send communications