Editing Name Of Transport Method
To edit the name of a Transport Method,
- Under the Transport tab ensure you are on Transport Methods
- Click Edit on the transport method
- Edit the name of the transport method
- Click Save
Changing the default time slots
This may be needed if you change the end time of your after-school activities.
You will not be able to make any amendments under the default time slot heading. To make changes to the time slots,
- Click on Transport
- Click on Transport Time Slots
- Select Edit on the relevant time slot
- Change the time
- Select Save
Changing/ Editing Stops
If you require to change the name of the stop you are able to do this by
- Selecting Transport Stops
- Select Edit
- Change the name and details as required
- Select Save to record the changes
Deleting / Deactivating
You are able to delete throughout the transport configuration settings;
Deleting Timetables
You can quickly and easily delete transport timetables for dates that are in the past. Please note that these cannot be recovered once deleted; a warning message shows to confirm you are certain.
Deleting Transport methods
To be able to delete a transport method it must not be used by a transport route and/or timetable configuration. You will need to remove the method first from the route or timetable configuration before being able to delete the transport method.
The transport method will need to be inactive for the delete button to enabled. (1)
Select delete (1) a further pop-up window confirming you wish to delete your transport method will appear select yes (2). Note once you have selected yes we will not be able to recover.
Confirmation of deletion will then show
Deleting Transport Time Slots
You are able to delete transport time slots as long as there are no active timetable configurations or CCA signups linked to the time slots.
You are able to see if there are active timetables as highlighted.
To see what timetables select the i icon (1) this will bring a drop-down of the timetables attached to this time slot. Before being able to delete you will need to remove the time slot from each of these timetables.
Once all the time slots have been removed from the timetable configuration, you will need to mark the time slot as inactive (1) then select delete (2)
Deleting Transport Stops
You are able to delete transport stops as long as there are no active stops on routes.
You are able to see if there are active stops as highlighted
To see what routes the stops are used on select the i icon (1). This will show a drop-down of the routes attached to this stop. Before being able to delete the stop you will need to remove the stop from each of these routes.
Once the stop has been removed from the routes, you will need to mark the stop as inactive (1) then select delete (2)
Deleting Transport Routes
To delete transport routes, first make sure that students have been removed from the routes in mass student assignment. Click on the 'i' to drop down to view:
Under Mass student assignments remove the students from the route by clicking on the red trash can
After you have removed the students assigned to the route, double click on the bus number to edit the related timetable configuration.
Remove the route by toggling the green box off and click Save.
Toggle 'Include on route' to NO for all stops and click Save.
Once the route is inactive you will be able to edit and delete the route. Please note that it cannot be recovered once deleted.